Celebrating Ten Years


An Artisan Vendor is one who creates the products they offer for sale. A majority of the tools and equipment used to produce their products require skill, personal handling and/or manipulation.

Examples: art, crafts, jewelry, clothing, photography.

Pre-Packaged Vendor Application

A Pre-Packaged Vendor is one who is typically selling food items that have been placed in a container or bag for the purposes of resale.

Examples: beef jerky, coffee bean, popcorn, nuts.

Commercial Retail Vendor Application

Commercial Retail Vendors are retail businesses that have a brick-and-mortar store operating during normal business hours on a year-round basis within the Town of Truckee.  

Non-Profit Vendor Application

Non-Profit vendors are organizations formed for a charitable purpose and mission, typically with an IRS 501(c) type designation.

Full Service Food Vendor Application

This designation is reserved for vendors who are preparing and serving food on-site, typically utilizing more than one 10x10 space and offering menu item(s) that would be considered a full meal.

Food Cart Vendor Application

This designation is reserved for food vendors who are typically utilizing only one 10x10 space or operate from a pre-manufactured vending cart and serve quick serve type items that would not be considered a full meal. Examples: cotton candy, popcorn, lemonade.


This new designation is for Local Brands looking to get their name out into the community.